ecocbo - Calculating Optimum Sampling Effort in Community Ecology
A system for calculating the optimal sampling effort,
based on the ideas of "Ecological cost-benefit optimization" as
developed by A. Underwood (1997, ISBN 0 521 55696 1). Data is
obtained from simulated ecological communities with prep_data()
which formats and arranges the initial data, and then the
optimization follows the following procedure of four functions:
(1) scompvar() calculates the variation components necessary
for (2) sim_cbo() to calculate the optimal combination of
number of sites and samples depending on either an economic
budget or on a desired statistical accuracy. Additionally, (3)
sim_beta() estimates statistical power and type 2 error by
using Permutational Multivariate Analysis of Variance, and (6)
plot_power() represents the results of the previous function.