Package 'ecocbo'

Title: Calculating Optimum Sampling Effort in Community Ecology
Description: A system for calculating the optimal sampling effort, based on the ideas of "Ecological cost-benefit optimization" as developed by A. Underwood (1997, ISBN 0 521 55696 1). Data is obtained from simulated ecological communities with prep_data() which formats and arranges the initial data, and then the optimization follows the following procedure of four functions: (1) scompvar() calculates the variation components necessary for (2) sim_cbo() to calculate the optimal combination of number of sites and samples depending on either an economic budget or on a desired statistical accuracy. Additionally, (3) sim_beta() estimates statistical power and type 2 error by using Permutational Multivariate Analysis of Variance, and (6) plot_power() represents the results of the previous function.
Authors: Edlin Guerra-Castro [aut, cph] , Arturo Sanchez-Porras [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Arturo Sanchez-Porras <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Version: 0.12.0
Built: 2025-02-25 05:32:55 UTC

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ecocbo: Calculating Optimum Sampling Effort in Community Ecology


A system for calculating the optimal sampling effort, based on the ideas of "Ecological cost-benefit optimization" as developed by A. Underwood (1997, ISBN 0 521 55696 1). Data is obtained from simulated ecological communities, and the optimization follows the following procedure of two functions (1) scompvar() calculates the variation components necessary for (2) sim_cbo() to calculate the optimal combination of number of sites and samples depending on either an economical budget or on a desired statistical accuracy. Additionally, (3) sim_beta() estimates statistical power and type 2 error by using Permutational Multivariate Analysis of Variance, and (4) plot_power() represents the results of the previous function.


The functions in ecocbo package can be used to identify the optimal number of sites and samples that must be considered in a community ecology study by using simulated data. Together with SSP package, ecocbo proposes a novel approach to the determination of he appropriate sampling effort in community ecology studies.

ecocbo is composed by five functions: prep_data gives the appropriate format to the data so that it can be used by the other functions in the package. scompvar calculates the components of variation for the analized dataset, and finally, sim_cbo determines an estimate of the number of sites and samples to consider to optimize the cost-benefit for an ecological sampling study. For getting more information on the data, sim_beta calculates statistical power for different sampling efforts and plot_power plots those results to help the user define the a combination of sampling effort and power to move on.

ecocbo is being developed at Github(, where up-to-date versions can be found.


The ecocbo development team is Edlin Guerra-Castro and Arturo Sanchez-Porras.


Underwood, A. J. (1997). Experiments in ecology: their logical design and interpretation using analysis of variance. Cambridge university press.

Underwood, A. J., & Chapman, M. G. (2003). Power, precaution, Type II error and sampling design in assessment of environmental impacts. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 296(1), 49-70.

Anderson, M. J. (2014). Permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA). Wiley statsref: statistics reference online, 1-15.

Guerra‐Castro, E. J., Cajas, J. C., Simões, N., Cruz‐Motta, J.J., & Mascaró, M. (2021). SSP: an R package to estimate sampling effort in studies of ecological communities. Ecography, 44(4), 561-573.


# Load and adjust data.

simResults <- prep_data(data = epiDat, type = "counts", Sest.method = "average",
                        cases = 5, N = 100, sites = 10,
                        n = 5, m = 5, k = 30,
                        transformation = "none", method = "bray",
                        dummy = FALSE, useParallel = FALSE,
                        model = "single.factor")


# Computing components of variation
compVar <- scompvar(data = simResults)

# Cost-benefit optimization
cboResult <- sim_cbo(comp.var = compVar, ct = 20000, ck = 100, cj = 2500)

# Determination of statistical power
epiBetaR <- sim_beta(simResults, alpha = 0.05)

# Visualization of statistical power
plot_power(data = epiBetaR, n = NULL, m = 3, method = "both")

Dataset on species count of marine communities


This is a dataset containing a subset from the epibionts dataset from 'SSP' which was made by using the three local communities that differ the most.




A data frame with count of individuals for 24 observations on 151 species.


Data available from the Dryad Digital Repository: <> (Guerra-Castro et al. 2020).


Guerra-Castro, E. J. et al. 2016. Scales of spatial variation in tropical benthic assemblages and their ecological relevance: epibionts on Caribbean mangrove roots as a model system. – Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 548: 97–110.




Power curves for different sampling efforts


plot_power() can be used to visualize the power of a study as a function of the sampling effort. The power curve plot shows that the power of the study increases as the sample size increases, and the density plot shows the overlapping areas where α\alpha and β\beta are significant.


plot_power(data, n = NULL, m = NULL, method = "power")



Object of class "ecocbo_beta" that results from sim_beta().


Defaults to NULL, and then the function computes the number of samples 'n', within the selected 'm', that result in a sampling effort close to (1 - alpha) in power. If provided, said number of samples will be used.


Defaults to NULL, and then the function computes the number of sites 'm' that result in a sampling effort that is close to (1 - alpha) in power. If provided, said number of site will be used.


The desired plot. Options are "power", "density" or "both". "power" plots the power curve, "density" plots the density distribution of pseudoF, and "both" draws both plots one next to the other.


If the method is "power", then the power curves for the different values of 'm'. The selected, or computed, 'n' is marked in red. If the method is "density", then a density plot for the observed pseudoF values and a line marking the value of pseudoF that marks the significance level indicated in sim_beta(). If the method is "both", then a composite with power curves and a density plot side by side.

The value of the selected 'm', 'n' and the corresponding component of variation are presented in all methods.


Edlin Guerra-Castro ([email protected]), Arturo Sanchez-Porras


Underwood, A. J. (1997). Experiments in ecology: their logical design and interpretation using analysis of variance. Cambridge university press.

Underwood, A. J., & Chapman, M. G. (2003). Power, precaution, Type II error and sampling design in assessment of environmental impacts. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 296(1), 49-70.

See Also

sim_beta() scompvar() sim_cbo() prep_data()


epiBetaR <- sim_beta(simResults, alpha = 0.05)

plot_power(data = epiBetaR, n = NULL, m = 3, method = "power")
plot_power(data = epiBetaR, n = NULL, m = 3, method = "density")
plot_power(data = epiBetaR, n = 4, m = 3, method = "both")

Prepare data for evaluation


prep_data() formats and arranges the initial data so that it can be readily used by the other functions in the package. The function first gets the species names and the number of samples for each species from the input data frame. Then, it permutes the sampling efforts and calculates the pseudo-F statistic and the mean squares for each permutation. Finally, it returns a data frame with the permutations, pseudo-F statistic, and mean squares.


  type = "counts",
  Sest.method = "average",
  cases = 5,
  N = 100,
  sites = 10,
  k = 50,
  transformation = "none",
  method = "bray",
  dummy = FALSE,
  useParallel = TRUE,
  model = "single.factor"



Data frame with species names (columns) and samples (rows) information. The first column should indicate the site to which the sample belongs, regardless of whether a single site has been sampled.


Nature of the data to be processed. It may be presence / absence ("P/A"), counts of individuals ("counts"), or coverage ("cover")


Method for estimating species richness. The function specpool is used for this. Available methods are the incidence-based Chao "chao", first order jackknife "jack1", second order jackknife "jack2" and Bootstrap "boot". By default, the "average" of the four estimates is used.


Number of data sets to be simulated.


Total number of samples to be simulated in each site.


Total number of sites to be simulated in each data set.


Maximum number of samples to consider.


Maximum number of sites.


Number of resamples the process will take. Defaults to 50.


Mathematical function to reduce the weight of very dominant species: 'square root', 'fourth root', 'Log (X+1)', 'P/A', 'none'


The appropriate distance/dissimilarity metric (e.g. Gower, Bray–Curtis, Jaccard, etc). The function vegan::vegdist() is called for that purpose.


Logical. It is recommended to use TRUE in cases where there are observations that are empty.


Logical. Perform the analysis in parallel? Defaults to TRUE.


Select the model to use. Options, so far, are 'single.factor' and 'nested.symmetric'.


prep_data() returns an object of class "ecocbo_data".

An object of class "ecocbo_data" is a list containing: $Results, a data frame that lists the estimates of pseudoF for simH0 and simHa that can be used to compute the statistical power for different sampling efforts, as well as the square means necessary for calculating the variation components.


Edlin Guerra-Castro ([email protected]), Arturo Sanchez-Porras


Underwood, A. J. (1997). Experiments in ecology: their logical design and interpretation using analysis of variance. Cambridge university press.

Underwood, A. J., & Chapman, M. G. (2003). Power, precaution, Type II error and sampling design in assessment of environmental impacts. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 296(1), 49-70.

See Also

sim_beta() plot_power() sim_cbo() scompvar()


simResults <- prep_data(data = epiDat, type = "counts", Sest.method = "average",
                        cases = 5, N = 100, sites = 10,
                        n = 5, m = 5, k = 30,
                        transformation = "none", method = "bray",
                        dummy = FALSE, useParallel = FALSE,
                        model = "single.factor")


S3Methods for Printing


prints for ecocbo::sim_beta() objects.


## S3 method for class 'ecocbo_beta'
print(x, ...)



Object from ecocbo::sim_beta() function.


Additional arguments


Prints the result of ecocbo::sim_beta() function, showing in an ordered matrix the estimated power for the different experimental designs that were considered.

Simulated components of variation


scompvar can be used to calculate the average component of variation among units and the average component of variation within samples in terms of sampling effort.


scompvar(data, n = NULL, m = NULL)



Object of class "ecocbo_data" that results from prep_data().


Number of samples to be considered. Defaults to NULL.


Site label to be used as basis for the computation. Defaults to NULL.


A data frame containing the values for the variation component among sites compVarA and in the residuals compVarR.


If m or n are left as NULL, the function will calculate the components of variation using the largest available values as set in the experimental design in sim_beta().


Edlin Guerra-Castro ([email protected]), Arturo Sanchez-Porras


Underwood, A. J. (1997). Experiments in ecology: their logical design and interpretation using analysis of variance. Cambridge university press.

Underwood, A. J., & Chapman, M. G. (2003). Power, precaution, Type II error and sampling design in assessment of environmental impacts. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 296(1), 49-70.

See Also

sim_beta() plot_power() sim_cbo() prep_data()


scompvar(data = simResults)
scompvar(data = simResults, n = 5, m = 2)

Calculate beta and power out of simulated samples


sim_beta() can be used to assess the power of a study by comparing the variation when one can assume whether an ecological community does not have composition differences (H0 true) or it does (H0 false). For example, if the beta error is 0.25, then there is a 25% chance of failing to detect a difference even if the difference is real. The power of the study is 1β1 - \beta, so in this example, the power of the study is 0.75.


sim_beta(data, alpha = 0.05)



An object of class "ecocbo_data" that results from applying prep_data() to a community data frame.


Level of significance for Type I error. Defaults to 0.05.


sim_data() returns an object of class "ecocbo_beta".

The function print() is used to present a matrix that summarizes the results by showing the estimate power according to different sampling efforts.

An object of class "ecocbo_beta" is a list containing the following components:

  • $Power a data frame containing the estimation of power and beta for several combination of sampling efforts (m sites and n samples).

  • $Results a data frame containing the estimates of pseudoF for simH0 and simHa.

  • $alpha level of significance for Type I error.


Edlin Guerra-Castro ([email protected]), Arturo Sanchez-Porras


Underwood, A. J. (1997). Experiments in ecology: their logical design and interpretation using analysis of variance. Cambridge university press.

Underwood, A. J., & Chapman, M. G. (2003). Power, precaution, Type II error and sampling design in assessment of environmental impacts. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 296(1), 49-70.

Anderson, M. J. (2014). Permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA). Wiley statsref: statistics reference online, 1-15.

Guerra‐Castro, E. J., Cajas, J. C., Simões, N., Cruz‐Motta, J. J., & Mascaró, M. (2021). SSP: an R package to estimate sampling effort in studies of ecological communities. Ecography, 44(4), 561-573.

See Also

plot_power() scompvar() sim_cbo() prep_data() SSP::assempar() SSP::simdata()


sim_beta(data = simResults, alpha = 0.05)

Simulated cost-benefit optimization


sim_cbo() can be used to apply a cost-benefit optimization model that depends either on a desired level of precision or on a budgeted total cost, as proposed by Underwood (1997).


sim_cbo(comp.var, multSE = NULL, ct = NULL, ck, cj = NULL)



Data frame as obtained from scompvar().


Optional. Required multivariate standard error for the sampling experiment.


Optional. Total cost for the sampling experiment.


Cost per replicate.


Cost per unit.


A data frame containing the optimized values for m number of sites and n number of samples to consider.


Edlin Guerra-Castro ([email protected]), Arturo Sanchez-Porras


Underwood, A. J. (1997). Experiments in ecology: their logical design and interpretation using analysis of variance. Cambridge university press.

Underwood, A. J., & Chapman, M. G. (2003). Power, precaution, Type II error and sampling design in assessment of environmental impacts. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 296(1), 49-70.

See Also

sim_beta() plot_power() scompvar()


compVar <- scompvar(data = simResults)

sim_cbo(comp.var = compVar, multSE = NULL, ct = 20000, ck = 100, cj = 2500)
sim_cbo(comp.var = compVar, multSE = 0.15, ct = NULL, ck = 100, cj = 2500)

Data set containing the results of applying ecocbo::prep_data().


The dataset contains the results of applying ecocbo::prep_data() to epiDat. The result is a list with one level: $Results is a data frame with the results of applying PERMANOVA to epiDat a number of times, it contains the values of pseudoF and the mean squares for different repeated sampling efforts.

This dataset can be used to study the variability of the pseudoF-statistic, beta and the power when an experiment is applied to a varying number of samples, sampling units, or sampling sites.




An object of class "ecocbo_data", also a list containing one data frame. The format is:

$Results a data frame that contains the results of the evaluation of sim_beta.
dat.sim simulation from which the results are obtained.
k number of resample for the result.
m number of sites considered for the result.
n number of replicates within each site for the result.
pseudoFH0 observed F value for the experimental design, when all observations belong to one site.
pseudoFHa observed F value for the experimental design, when observations belong to different sites.
AMSHa calculated mean squares among sites in the experiment.
RMSHa calculated mean squares for the residuals in the experiment.


This dataset comes from applying ecocbo::prep_data() to the basic data from ecocbo::epiDat.


Data available from the Dryad Digital Repository: <> (Guerra-Castro et al. 2020).


Guerra-Castro, E. J. et al. 2016. Scales of spatial variation in tropical benthic assemblages and their ecological relevance: epibionts on Caribbean mangrove roots as a model system. – Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 548: 97–110.



sim_beta(simResults, alpha = 0.05)